Yoni yoga
DROP-IN | No booking required
When? Every Tuesday 6pm - 7pm
Where? St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs as new carpets being fitted updtairs!)
Who? Suitable for ALL women. No previous experience required
Teacher: Emma Després
Classes cost £12 per person or buy 5 tokens payable in advance for £55.
Please pay at the start of class with cash, or before the class by bank transfer.
The yoga practice itself will be slow and gentle incorporating various Tantric yogic techniques including asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mudra (gestures), yantra (visualisation), mantra sound) and Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation). We’ll slip out of time and encourage a retreating inwards, balancing, nourishing, nurturing and re-connecting with our heart and our innate knowing and wisdom
Oracle cards will be available at the end of the class.
Yoni yoga is an all-women’s practice which may help you to ‘know thyself’ and encourage you to come closer to the wonderfully intuitive voice of your heart and the innate knowingness and wisdom of your womb, so that you may connect more fully with your highest truth and re-align as necessary.