The Quest for Conception: A Journey of Self-discovery
Since I wrote my last post I have been contacted by a number of ladies (in the strictest of confidence) who have all shared a little of their personal stories in their quest to become pregnant, whether that be naturally or through IVF, and others still investigating their options.
Some ladies are really lucky and conceive immediately, I have a couple of friends for whom this happened and my Mum apparently knew the exact moment I was conceived, but for others of us it is not so easy and can take years of heartache and anguish until we finally hold that bundle of joy (and life changer) in our arms.
I truly believe that the quest for conception has the potential to take us on a journey of self-discovery, at least that was certainly my experience and if you view it like this, well it becomes a little less scary and a little more intimate, spiritual and meaningful somehow. I can assure you that you are not alone and while there are times when it may feel really lonely out there, take comfort that others are going through it too.
There is a huge amount of fear that accompanies fertility: the fear of never conceiving and never having a baby of your own is the biggest one of course. If only you had the certainty that one day it would come true, then how much more you’d be able to enjoy the journey it takes you on. But here’s the thing, if you absolutely align yourself to the Divine and to your crystal clear intention to get pregnant, stepping into the heart and away from the fear, then you’ll be absolutely fine. You absolutely have to believe in yourself and your ability to create the life you desire.
There were a number of things I learned during my quest for conception and I truly believe that many of them helped me to finally become pregnant, and whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through IVF, it’s possible that some of these may help you too. They work on the basis that you are committing to an outcome and the more you can do to align every part of your being to the outcome the better.
However, I’m keen to stress that these were my experiences and the whole point of all of this, the journey to conception then, is for you to dig deep, listen in, connect with your soul and allow it to be your guide to realising your dream. In life we are so used to being told what to do that we often don’t listen to this little voice inside us which is doing all it can to guide us through. There are a lot of suggestions listed below so listen in to your soul and if what I say doesn’t resonate with you, well then its not for you simple as that, and please do not think you have to do all of them to achieve a happy outcome!
So here we go:
Pray. Now I’m not religious, not in the slightest, but I prayed every single day during my quest to become pregnant and I pray every single day now too. Prayer changed my life, it strengthened my spirituality and it absolutely strengthened my connection to the Divine. Try it. Drop to the floor and pray, direct your focus to that which you want to bring into your life and ask for guidance, give thanks and listen, absolutely listen to what comes back – there’ll be a message somewhere for you. I truly believe our prayers are always answered but NOT always in the way we imagine. You have to surrender a little to the process you are guided through. Notice your resistance to prayer because that can be telling too (more on this further down).
Stay positive. The best piece of advice anyone ever gave me (and she had been through IVF herself) was to not give in to self-pity. If you have to go down the IVF route then this is absolutely essential. Self-pity will not help. You are not the only one going through this and you will not be the last. Do whatever you can to stay absolutely positive about the process and about a positive result. Keep the faith high.
Zita West. Invest in a copy of Zita West’s book entitled, “Fertility and Conception”. It’s brilliant and probably some of what I learned from there I’m repeating here. Some of it, of course, didn’t resonate with me, and that’s that I mean about only doing what feels right for you. She also has an IVF clinic, which is more holistic than most, have a look on the internet if you are interested in this.
“The Stork Club” – If you need reminding that you are not alone, then read Imogen Edward-Jones’ “The Stork Club”, it’s a funny and yet interesting read.
Yoga. Perhaps it won’t come as any surprise to know that I dug super deep into my practice. There were times when I needed to be gentle and quiet and restorative yoga was ideal and other times when I needed to move actively and keep the energy high. I already have a daily practice, but I would often take to my mat a little more than usual when we were going through IVF especially. Lots of hip work can be beneficial, to really work with the sacral chakra, but so too some grounding work, and also heart opening, and at other times forward folding and inwardly reflective. A balance really! And if the tears come then let them flow, your mat is an ideal place to process and let the healing work come through.
Meditation. Fertility issues really helped me to commit to a daily meditation practice. Just 10-20 minutes a day made such a difference, especially when I was going through IVF, not only did it make my mind stronger but it helped me to maintain a positive outlook and stay focused on the end result. I absolutely encourage this, you’ll notice a wavering mind and this should give you the opportunity to do something about it – much trickier to find the time when you already have a child/children however so just do what you can!
Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the science of life. I have been seeing an Ayurvedic doctor, Dr Deepika, for nine years now and coincidentally she is a fertility expert and has helped hundreds if not thousands of ladies conceive. Ayurveda is holistic and works on all levels of your being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I went over to the UK and did a three day pancha karma at her clinic, which was just wonderful. Based at Purley Oaks near Gatwick, Dr Deepika also offers skype appointments. You can find out more about here at http://www.theayurvedicclinic.com
Yoga Nidra – working with a Sankalpa; in practical terms, a Sankalpa is a declarative statement, resolution or intention in which you vow to commit to fulfil a specific goal, in this instance to become pregnant with a healthy baby – “I am pregnant with a healthy baby”. Sankalpa or resolution holds a special and highly esteemed place in the ancient teachings. The concept of Sankalpa appears even as early as the Rig Veda, the most ancient of all the Vedic texts. The ancient concept of sankalpa is based on the principle that your mind has measureless capacity to effect the quality and content of your life. As the Buddha said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become”. So start practicing Yoga Nidra regularly, a couple of times a week if you can, not only to consciously rest but to implant, like a seed, your Sankalpa deep within. Needless to say I produced my own recording for this and you can obtain a copy of this from my website, but there are plenty of others out there, just check Amazon or You tube.
Fertility bracelet – I love fertility bracelets. They incorporate crystals that are known to promote fertility and pregnancy such as moonstone, rose quartz and fresh water pearls. Other crystals are often incorporated to alleviate stress and encourage a calm state of being. I have one which was made by Athene Sholl (www.athenesholl.com) but my cousin Yo also makes them (you can find her on facebook as Yolande Ifold). Just wearing these crystals will help, not least in invoking the energy of fertility but making your intention even clearer to the Universe and encouraging the law of attraction to bestow you with a babe in arms!
Sculpture of whatever it is you are trying to create – for me the first time around it was a sculpture of a man, woman and baby all hugging together. The second time around there was a child in it too. I sit it on my altar so that I look at it every day and every day as I look at it I remember what it is I am intending to bring into, and create in, my life.
Vision board – ok so the jury’s out on vision boards but for me they have always been very powerful in again making my intentions clear and reminding me of this visually. So in this case an image of a pregnant lady and a baby works a treat, or a photo of you holding a baby. And notice any resistance you feel seeing/imagining yourself pregnant or holding a baby (more on this below).
A healthy diet – this goes without saying right, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (seasonal and organic where you can), wholegrains and protein. Lots of fresh water too. Limit the caffeine and alcohol, everything in moderation – I like a cup or two of black tea in the morning and the odd glass or two of wine in the evening and certainly didn’t stop either during IVF.
Reiki – I received a lot of Reiki in preparation for, and during, all my IVF cycles and beyond. Reiki really helps to release energetic blocks and can enhance fertility. It is also deeply healing, relaxing and calming. I can’t recommend it enough. I’m not practicing at the moment but can recommend practitioners on Guernsey. Even better if you can give yourself Reiki though and this is ideal for pregnancy and channelling Reiki to the baby in utero.
Acupuncture – I did a lot of acupuncture in preparation for egg retrieval, whether this helped me to produce the number of quality eggs that were produced on that first cycle I will never know, but it kept my energy high during that first cycle.
Holistic therapies generally – As a holistic therapist, I love holistic therapies and I am fortunate that I’m able to swap yoga for therapies with some of my friends. Thus throughout both positive IVF cycles (both egg retrieval and embryo transfer) I’ve done a number of different ones in varying degrees depending on what I felt I needed. I’ve received Bowen and osteopathy to realign me physically, lymphatic draining to clear my lymph, reflexology to support the uterus and to relax, Ki massage to clear energetic and emotional blockages and holistic massage to chill out. I’m happy to recommend practitioners here in Guernsey.
Angels. I love the angels and talk to them daily. I’d encourage you to invite them into your life. Ask the angels to help you and they will by pointing you in the direction of people, therapies, books or whatever it may be that will help support you on your journey. I’m a massive fan of the Doreen Virtue Angel cards (you can buy these from Amazon) and I find that this is a wonderful way to communicate with them and get much more in touch with your intuition and what your soul’s messages. They’ll leave you feathers so you know they are with you and you’ll start noticing more robins too (these are angels in form). You may see an owl too.
Intimacy. Keep it intimate, between you and your partner. You can easily give your energy away discussing it with others. It’s your journey no one else’s and it certainly shouldn’t be a drama or source of gossip for others. The fact you have to become so conscious about conception can lose the intimacy, sex becomes all about getting pregnant, and IVF of course doesn’t even have the sexual element, so do what you can to retain some intimacy to the whole process. I think its more special that way.
She Oak – often an inability to conceive can be due to emotional issues, emotions that you haven’t yet processed and are holding on to in one form or another, perhaps something is eating away at you, or you haven’t made peace with childhood trauma. To help with this take She Oak tincture, which encourages the individual to be emotionally open and receptive to conceive. It also helps with the female balancing of hormones. You can order this from Amazon.
Have fun – don’t forget to have some fun. Life can become very structured and dull, what with ovulation dates and then waiting for the dreaded period or the joyful lack of period. And for those doing IVF, well it is one big treadmill of dates and times for injections and pills and blood tests and scans, so that it is all too easy for life to become very glum. Make sure you allow some time to have fun, even if that’s just going for swim in the sea or getting out walking in nature, laughing at a comedy, or going for a meal with friends. Keep the energy high!!!
Rest – yes, I’ve never been very good at this but it is really helpful if you can rest. The Yoga Nidra and treatments can help with this, but you’ll be trying to grow a healthy egg naturally or eggs with IVF and you need your energy to do this. So try and rest when you can, early nights and relaxing soaks in the bath!
Drop the energy vampires – we’ve all got them, people in our life who suck the energy right out of us what with their constant dramas or their constant demands on us. We don’t need them, and they probably don’t really need us, only that we’ve gotten into this dynamic which we feel we can’t get out of. But you can. And while sometimes it takes some adjustment, it is essential that all your energy goes to you, not those who take it all away from you. You know the people I mean and you’re probably feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of how you are going to extricate yourself from the relationship, but you can. Let them go and perhaps you’ll be doing them a favour in the long run. Nature abhors a vacuum after all.
Activities which exhaust your energy – identify areas of your life where you are losing energy. For me Facebook has always been the major one, it draws you in and before you know it you’ve lost hours of your life. Not only that but it is filled with insecurity and opinions and judgments that don’t always serve the higher purpose, but of course that’s just my take on things, you’ll have other activities that drain you.
Bach Rescue Remedy – if things start getting a little stressful and you’re feeling a little emotional and out of balance then take some Bach Rescue Remedy, which is a wonderfully natural way to help you calm down, it works with flower essences and is marvellous.
The moon – I love the moon, especially as she is the Goddess of Fertility. So go and embrace her energy. When the moon is full, go outside and bathe in her rays and pray to her and ask her to bestow you with a child and remove the obstacles in your way. Remember to give thanks, especially when you achieve your outcome!
Resistance – this is HUGE. The most telling and powerful steps you can take to reduce your internal resistance to achieving your desire is to identify what we call in the Vedic tradition “vikalpas”. These are your unconscious sankalpas (intentions or resolutions, see above), but ones that move you in any one of countless directions away from the destiny your soul is here to lead you to. It is very important that you realise your unconscious mind is significantly more powerful than your conscious mind. You need to do what you can to recognise and become aware of your unconscious patterns and how they are sabotaging your conscious desires and to increase the intensity of your conscious desires. If you find that your actions are contrary to, or less than supportive of your goal and intention to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, then there will be a vikalpa, an internal resistance at work here.
Perhaps you don’t think you’re worthy of having a baby, perhaps – unconsciously – you’re not sure you can cope with a baby, perhaps you’re worried about the effects of pregnancy on your body, perhaps you’re holding on to resentment from the past, from your own childhood etc, perhaps you’re worried you won’t make a good mother, perhaps you have a habit of sabotaging the good things in your life. So perhaps you need to identify your resistance and if necessary forgive and move on.
Stay grounded – hug a tree, go walk barefoot in the garden, sit on the beach, take a bath with natural sea salts, dry-brush, do whatever you can to stay rooted to this earth. You need to have your feet firmly on the ground to bring that spirit in. Don’t let yourself float around in the ethers, caught in your head.
Avoid online fertility/IVF forums – There is a ton of stuff out there on the internet about fertility and IVF and those forums are just plain awful, based on a whole heap of fear. My advice is to stay away from these at all costs, do not buy into negativity!
So my conclusion really is to continue being kind to yourself and absolutely do not give yourself (or anyone else) a hard time about all this. It is what it is. No point fighting it or fighting yourself over it. You’ll get your dream, the Divine may just have another plan of the route, the journey then, that you need to take there is all – remain patient, trust in the process and keep believing in yourself, its a journey of self-discovery, embrace it!!
Crown Charka - Sahasrana
VIOLET WHITE: the purest symbol of light and life.
Sahasrana, like Ajna, is beyond the considerations of the body. It opens when all the other Chakras are in balance.
This Chakra represents knowing your true path and living your life accordingly. It is far removed from the root Chakra’s will to survive. Some people describe the opening of the crown Chakra as a surrender to the Divine will, or being as one with the Universe. The ego withers and is replaced by a universal consciousness.
The crown Chakra sees life entirely from a spiritual perspective. When it is closed or there is a block, there is a refusal to engage in or even believe in the spiritual. This complete denial can often lead to arrogance and materialism.
Because the crown Chakra gives life meaning, your life generally takes a completely new direction when it is open. And that direction comes from a new sense of purpose: the purpose of life and of your soul. By honouring your true self, you love and honour the rest of creation. This Chakra sees through the delusions of the ego and views them and the rest of life with a certain detachment. It creates an inner calm that often draws others to you.
The crown Chakra is on top of the head – in newborn babies this spot is called the fontanel, or the soft spot. By opening yourself up to the spirit of creation, you learn your true purpose, you receive guidance on your spiritual path and you are able to recognise soul mates. Often you see the world through new eyes, viewing it with a sense of wonder that you last knew when you were a child.
You begin to understand that life is glorious just the way it is, that everybody is where they are at right now because – consciously or unconsciously – they chose to be there, in that very place, in that very position. Everything is perfect – it can’t be any other way. With peaceful serenity others will be drawn to you in the midst of their own struggles and from this vantage point you may well be able to see the bigger picture for them and be able to support and guide them without getting emotionally involved.
You are deeply connected to the Divine and you know that this is what physical life is all about, the cut and thrust, there are no accidents, if people wanted to lead different lives then they would be leading them, everyone is free to choose, only most people don’t know it. And whether we recognize it or not, we all yearn for oneness with the Divine and, through the crown Chakra, we may sometimes make that ultimate connection.
To energise this Chakra, eat all the colours of the spectrum type foods, preferably raw and 70% water content. Plus you could wear white and bring white flowers into your life, or hold crystal quartz.
In terms of yoga, if you can sit in lotus then do so, but if not sit however is comfortable for you. Close your eyes and meditate on your breath. Notice the breath going in and the breath going out and every time you notice that you have started thinking, say to yourself, "thinking" and gently bring your awareness back to your breath. And again when you notice that you have started thinking, say to yourself "thinking" and gently draw your awareness back to your breath.
There are many other things you can do to deepen your connection to the Divine - visit spiritual places like Cathedrals and churches and sit silently and feel the energy, or touch the stones and feel their energy. You can do the same with standing stones or other forms of Pagan worship. Take yourself to somewhere peaceful in nature and sit silently and feel the energy be that a Mountain, a river, a beach or in the middle of rural fields.
One of the best ways to connect with the Divine and open your crown Chakra is through prayer. My life changed considerably, in a much more positive, supported and soulful way when I began to pray in earnest. I'm not religious as such but I recognise the Divine in all life. We are all Divine Beings and recognising this not only provides much comfort but allows one to know the oneness and connection of all life. Its simple!
In terms of
The Third Eye - Ajna
INDIGO – a healing colour and the colour of spirituality
Ajna is located in the midbrain near the pituitary gland. It is sometimes called the third eye as it is said to be the source of inner vision. Science now tells us that where the yogis located Ajna happens to be the point where the right and left optic nerves cross in the brain so it literally is a third eye of sorts. Ajna is the meeting point at the space between the eyebrows and the temples.
If your head is tilted too far upward then Ajna will become too open and you will be spaced out and prone to accidents (although very insightful spiritually). If the head is too far forward (because of stress and tension) Ajna will stay closed.
Essentially this Chakra is associated with the brain, and when this Chakra is in balance, you can exhibit extraordinary clarity of thought, combining logical reasoning with intuition, knowingness and inspiration. The third eye Chakra strives for completeness in terms of the self – inner harmony between body, mind and spirit – and in terms of the Divine, the creator or the whole of creation itself.
As with any spiritual development opening the third eye Chakra requires a level of intense honesty with both yourself and others. Unflinching honesty can make your life – and other’s lives – quite uncomfortable at times. When the third eye Chakra is open and balanced, it accepts no excuses. So, however difficult a choice may be if the third eye Chakra knows it is the right one, you are compelled to follow that path. Absolving yourself from responsibility by blaming your past on other people or things, simply will not work.
Because the third eye Chakra can make our lives so uncomfortable, most people find it easier to close it down. By doing so you don’t need to worry about the path you are taking in life or about the effects of your words and actions on others – an opposite state to mindfulness, in which you examine the motivation behind every thought, deed, word and action.
However when you close down the third eye a series of muddles and poor choices can arise; you can lose your sense of purpose and become so self-absorbed that your relationships become dysfunctional.
The spark of inspiration that is ignited by opening the third eye Chakra exists in all of us. When the third eye Chakra’s energy is very strong, inspiration takes many positive forms: from flashes of intuition to sudden insights about how to solve a problem, from a sense of the Divine in all things to moments of pure clairvoyance.
Ajna is not thought of as being balanced or imbalanced the way the other Chakras are. Rather, Ajna is either open or closed. When the mind is still and the lower Chakras are in balance, then Ajna Chakra opens to communicate with the higher intelligence of the crown Chakra and brings you to that place of inspiration, clarity of thought and healing. When the lower Chakras are out of balance, it remains closed and you lose your ability to connect to the Divine.
So in a sense there does need to be balance, a mix between the internal and the external. The start of actually beginning to see what has always been there, though you never noticed it before – reading the energy, seeing the aura, sensing the person, place, thing etc. The best way to do this is to be quiet and simply observe, see the colours, movements, shadows, mannerisms, spaces, time, grass grow, hear the noise, the silences, whispers on the wind, emotion on the breath, your inner voice...
But remember that you are a spiritual being already, fully enlightened and already Divine so don’t spend all your time in meditation trying to become what you already are...get out and enjoy life physically, it is after all why you are here.
This Chakra resonates to the colour royal blue and purple, eating raw foods from all the colours of the spectrum are good, preferably with high water content, at least 70%, and raw. Invest in some Amethyst, although even better, invest in seven crystals that accord with the seven Chakras of the body and lie down and place the relevant chakra on each centre to balance each of them at the same time. I'm happy to suggest seven crystals which would work, just pop me an email to emma@beinspiredby.co.uk.
It is worth mentioning that on a hormonal level, the Ajna Chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, which is often called the master gland, as it secretes hormones that control the activity of other endocrine glands and regulate various biological processes. Ajna is therefore also thought of as the command centre of the glands that relate to each of the Chakras. So if hormonal imbalance is your thing, try and work on all your Chakras to help to balance them.
In terms of yoga, I'd be inclined to practice a standing forward bend such as Uttanasana (standing forward fold) and encourage blood down towards your brain. You could also try balasana (pose of a child) for a restorative option, making sure to rest your third eye centre on your fists, block, blankets or a bolster, so this can soften onto something. And then bring your awareness to rest on the space between the eyebrows. Salamba Sirsasana (headstand) can help too, although please make sure you practice this with a qualified teacher if this is not already part of your regular practice.
Alternate nostril breathing is ideal for working with this Chakra. Establish a comfortable seat with the spine extended and the chest clear. Rest the left hand onto the left leg, while folding the index finger and middle finger of the right hand into the palm of the right hand and extending the other fingers. Place the thumb on the right nostril, just below the bony cartilage bit and the ring finger onto the left nostril.
Breathe in through both nostrils and then close the right nostril and breathe out the tidal breath through the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril, closing the left nostril and exhaling the right nostril, inhale through the right nostril, close the right nostril and exhale left. Continue for 5-10 minutes if you can then sit with the right hand now on the right leg and inner gaze turned towards the third eye centre.
You can also chant "Om". This is marvellous. We should all be chanting "Om" every day!!
The Throat Chakra - Visuddha
BLUE – third primary colour and first of spiritual colours
The throat Chakra is in the hollow of the throat. The throat is between the head and the heart – between heaven and earth - it is the meeting point between the two higher spiritual Chakras and the four lower physical Chakras, it is where we can speak our thoughts, blend the inner and the outer, the above with the below - Heaven with Earth.
A healthy throat Chakra enhances self-expression and openness to the ideas of others. When it is in balance it purifies all of the Chakras and brings harmony into your being. It is an enormously powerful Chakra and it is important to keep it in balance so that all of the other Chakras are optimised.
The throat Chakra is connected to the idea of vocation or calling. When this Chakra is brought into balance, many people suddenly discover a fresh outlook on what they want to do in life. They may change their priorities or they may feel a literal vocation calling them to an entirely new profession or way of life.
When it is balanced, you discover your authentic voice and can be yourself in all situations. Your communication is clear and untainted, and you communicate to others with compassion and kindness. You have the space to see yourself clearly and can let the divine wisdom of the Universe guide each moment of your life.
A healthy throat Chakra ensures self-expression in every sense; being able to put forward your ideas, while listening to the perspectives of others in an open and positive way. When you come to terms with your own unique inner self and its intuitions and instincts, you know this Chakra is working, as it should. If you are dogmatic, refuse to listen to other’s advice or you get bogged down in minor details rather than addressing the heart of an issue, you need to work on this Chakra.
Giving your word is another way in which the throat Chakra expresses itself. Those with strong throat Chakras are reliable and mean what they say. They are able to make commitments to other people, follow a spiritual path, aspire to high ideals, and can sometimes make huge changes in their lives if they instinctively know they should.
The theme of communication is of paramount importance to the throat Chakra. A closed or poorly functioning throat Chakra can often be heard in a monotonous, droning voice.
An unbalanced throat Chakra often means you feel defensive about your ideas, and threatened when others have different views. You may be unwilling to voice your ideas at all, preferring to align yourself to ready made ideologies. Alternatively you may never stop talking, but without saying anything important.
Further, an unbalanced throat Chakra can leave you anxious and confused, not knowing which direction to take and fearful of taking a new path. Sometimes you can even cling to a person, an idea or a way of life even though you know it is damaging. An unhealthy throat Chakra can also manifest itself in illnesses, such as neck and throat ailments, headaches, teeth and gum conditions, ear infections and mouth ulcers.
As this Chakra resonates to the colour blue looking at a clear blue sky will help to energise it, or perhaps wearing a turquoise scarf or necklace around your neck or carrying a blue crystal with you such as sodalite or blue lapiz. You can also journal, just write down how you feel and what is bothering you and see what arises.
In your yoga practice get chanting. Invest in some Deva Premal and sing along to the mantra. Or try some Bija mantra and focus on the Bija mantra for the throat, "ham", repeat for a few minutes at a time. Or practice some Brahmari breath, the bumble bee breath, and see how that affects the energy you feel around your throat chakra.
In terms of asana, you can work with Setu Bandhasana (bridge pose), Tabletop pose, Ardho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Pay attention to how you move and place your neck when you come into these poses and remember to create space. Notice how these poses change sensations around the neck and how they make you feel.
Lastly remember that when someone talks, listens to the words and also the silences. What was not said is important too. Feel the emotion of what was said, trust your gut feeling - that small voice inside of you - less is definitely more when it comes to talking and expressing yourself; this is true communication. Say what you mean and mean what you say and speak only when you have something to say. Don’t forget that words have power – they are thoughts made manifest.
The Heart Chakra - Anahata
GREEN – the colour green is about harmony and nature.
This Chakra is the spiritual centre of the ‘column’ of 7 Chakras, below it the root, sacral and solar plexus Chakras represent the personal and the physical. Above it, the throat, brow and crown Chakras represent the spiritual and universal. The heart Chakra provides the vital link for the whole.
Essentially your heart Chakra is associated with love and compassion, not just love for yourself and others, but a love for the Divine (in whatever guise) and all of creation. The hands, in particular, are closely associated with the heart Chakra, and a kind touch is an outward sign of love, compassion and forgiveness that typify this Chakra when it is in an open and balanced state.
The heart Chakra is also a seat of creativity. A blocked heart Chakra results in creative blocks, while an open one leaves you open to inspiration. However the heart Chakra can be too open. You can pour out so much heart energy in your desire to help others that you can have none left for yourself.
When your heart Chakra is out of balance, you may lack confidence and be unable to let go of your fears. When your heart Chakra is balanced, you feel energised and have the strength to fulfil your hopes and dreams, and to give and receive unconditional love.
The key, as ever, is balance. The heart, in common with all the Chakras, needs to have its own flexibility, the ability to open and close as necessary. This is particularly important in the heart, as it is the Chakra of change, giving us the confidence to fulfil our hopes, make a break with the past and embrace the future.
Opening up the heart Chakra can feel scary at times, as if you are wide open to attack – and indeed you can be – for a little while. But soon you will feel the benefits as you will have all this loving energy that you need to share, care and relate to others, so that you are touching people with your heart, and when you do you’ll notice that people become spontaneously drawn to you – chatting at shops, strangers wanting to talk to you, animals coming over for a stroke.
And while challenges may still present themselves in your life, rather than just reacting, you may now be able to respond by standing back and handling the situation with love so the outcome will be for everyone’s highest good. You will feel more in tune with the other person’s heart and you will know just what to do...and trust in yourself.
The heart Charka does not occupy the same position as the physical heart, it is more central, in your chest cavity. Hormonally, the heart Chakra is associated with the thymus gland, which is part of the lymphatic system, which in turn is central to the immune system. A blocked or poorly functioning heart Chakra can lead to a weakened immune system, stress-related disorders and problems involving the lungs and respiratory system.
To connect more fully with this Chakra, you could practice a heart opening yoga sequence, involving side stretches and backward bending poses. These could include Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose), Ustrasana (camel pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose) and Setu Bandasana (Bridge pose).
Make sure that you practice with a place of compassion to the self - there is often a lot of fear in back bending and opening the heart, not least due to concerns about the lower back, but also about literally opening the heart, many people have kept this closed for years and our forward bending sedentary/office/screen time lifestyle does nothing to alleviate this. So be gentle. Slowly, slowly. It really is amazing to open the heart though!
Other ways to energise this energy centre include going for a walk in nature and seeing all the greens, the grass, the trees, the plants, the hills, really “see” nature. Of course you can lie on the grass, grow plants and fresh herbs, wear the colour, and eating greens works too as they resonate at just the right frequency. Invest in some beautiful rose quartz or green aventurine.
The Solar Plexus - Manipura Chakra
YELLOW – the colour of mental energy
This Chakra is extremely complex. It is the Chakra of the mind, ruling rational thought, discernment and individuality. Yet it is also a very physical Chakra, governing your digestive system, liver and spleen as well as your back. It is the Chakra from which your moral judgements emerge, and from which you draw the moral courage to stand up for what you believe in.
The Sanskrit name for the solar plexus means, “jewel in the city” and the jewel it refers to is the mind. When your solar plexus Chakra is in balance, your mind is also in balance. You are in control of yourself and the challenges and decisions that you face in life. As well as being warm in nature, people with balanced solar plexus Chakras tend to have a healthy intuition, they can generally rely on their hunches or “gut instincts”, and they can express themselves well.
When your solar plexus Chakra is in balance, you are discerning, disciplined and assertive, and you face life’s challenges with courage and integrity. Your ego will no longer need continual gratification. You will discover a moderation in thought and action; you are able to listen to people without being overwhelmed by them. You instinctively find a comfortable relationship with the world. Your character becomes gemlike: solid, multifaceted, filed with life.
The fire in this Chakra gives you your “glow”, burnishes your ego, and illuminates your mind; it helps you to see the world around you clearly. This fire also creates the necessary heat for the metabolism of food, cellular transactions and thought.
An overly dominant solar plexus leads to bullying, egotistical and aggressive behaviour. These people believe they are always right and get angry easily, and seek to control others through their anger.
A weak solar plexus Chakra results in depression, guilt and lack of confidence; it becomes hard for you to see your life clearly, leading to feelings of heightened vulnerability.
Ailments resulting from an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra include ulcers, irritable bowl syndrome, liver and digestive problems.
Because the solar plexus is the centre of the intellect and decision-making, it is important for the health and development of this Chakra that you make your own choices, rather than have them made for you. The development of the solar plexus is hindered if you have a feeling of powerlessness in life.
You can have, be and do anything you choose in your life...anything, you just have to choose wisely and believe in yourself. So don’t settle for second best and please don't give your power away. Chakra is a powerful receiver and transmitter of energy, as you give, so you receive, so balance is essential here.
If you are giving out feelings of being a failure then this will be reflected straight back at you, if you give out feelings of being a success then this will be reflected straight back at you. Give to yourself first and foremost otherwise you won’t have anything to give to others.
This Chakra can be energised with colour like wearing bright yellow or eating yellow foods such as yellow peppers, lemons, bananas and sweetcorn. Plus enjoying the sunshine. Crystals for this chakra include citrine and yellow jasper.
In your yoga practice, work with core strengthening poses such as Navasana (boat pose) and Santolanasana (plank pose), or with twisting poses such as Ardha Matsyenasana (half fish pose) and Jathara Parvartanasana (revolved supine twist - also a core strengthener).
You can also work with Uddiyana Bandha, which is the abdominal lock and is mentioned in the ancient scriptures as being the most powerful way to positively influence and affect the solar plexus. Please ensure you only practice this under the guidance of an experienced teacher and never if you have abdominal issues or are pregnant.
Notice where you give your power away in life. Notice also your posture, especially on your mat, do you engage your core muscles or allow your stomach to stick out and thereby giving your power away? Draw in and up, energise and retain your power (healthy power) within.
The Sacral Chakra - Svadhishthana
ORANGE – balances the red of the physical energy with the yellow of the mental energy.
The second Chakra, Svadhishthana, is linked to taste in the broadest sense - your likes and dislikes. It is the seat of creativity, pleasure, attraction and, in particular, sexuality. The sacral Chakra is also the seat of our emotions.
This Chakra is the most feminine of the 7 Chakras. It is profoundly connected with fertility and is ruled by the moon, which pulls not only the seas and oceans, but also the waters within our own bodies.
A balanced sacral Chakra is characterised by physical fluidity and grace. People with a balanced sacral Chakra tend to be friendly, open and trusting, in touch with their feelings and able to express them, willing to see the positive rather than the negative, and able to turn problems into challenges.
When this Chakra is out of balance nothing and no one is ever enough. Life has no constancy. You feel fragmented and volatile. Your desires dominate and oblige you to seek satisfaction through the senses – sex, food, material possessions, status. An out-of-balance sacral Chakra brings about guilt, self-pity, manipulative behaviour and envy.
If the Chakra is too open you may forget your own needs and occupy so much with the needs of others that you end up feeling like a martyr. Lack of balance can also give rise to sexual problems, jealousy and obsession.
In essence, it is sexual expression – the most powerful and fundamental of your creative energies - that characterises the sacral Chakra. It guides our sexual identity, our ability to bond with a partner and to take pleasure in our sexuality.
When in balance it gives us profound sexual and emotional happiness. It is worth reflecting that the word “sacral” comes from the same root as “sacred”. Sex is not meant to be a casual, meaningless event, but nor is it meant to induce guilt. Rather with openness and empathy, it is something that brings great joy and pleasure.
This Chakra is situated in the bowl of the pelvis, directly over the ovaries and testes. It governs the spleen, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder and all the bodily fluids. In order to find lightness and balance in this Chakra we must seek to balance the pelvis.
If you are not using this energy internally then you need to be expressing your sacral energy externally through writing, drawing, painting, singing, anything that encourages your creativity and encourages the energy to flow strongly and smoothly.
To enhance tour ability to feel this chakra in alignment then work with the following yoga poses to seek a balance through this centre:
- Virabhadrasana II (warrior 2) - this pose strengthens your legs and brings greater awareness of how your legs interact and stabilise your pelvis.
- Upavista Konasana (seated wide angle pose) - this pose helps you to find the balance in this Chakra, because you can feel how the position of your pelvis influences your ability to find a neutral spine.
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose) - in this pose you do not want to feel any pressure in your lumbar spine. Internally rotating the legs widens the lower back and creates space so that you can then lengthen your tailbone down toward your heels. This action balances the Chakra and supports the back bend in your thoracic spine.
Furthermore to energise and encourage greater balance to the sacral Chakra, try wearing orange, investing in some carnelian gemstones and keeping them close to your sacral area of the body, connecting with the moon and keeping a journal to write and express your emotions.
The Root Chakra - Muladhara
Muladhara Chakra is the first in the line of Chakras. It is the grounding Chakra, the one that connects you to the earth and your own physicality. Our most basic instinct – for survival – lies within this Chakra, as do our needs for food, sleep and shelter.
Muladhara Chakra is your source of power. When it is out of balance this affects everything related to your personal stability, safety and security. It controls how you deal with money, your body and your family: your roots.
An imbalanced root Chakra, which is low in vital energy may mean that you may suffer from low self-esteem, feel out of touch with your body and sexuality, you may constantly worry about money or never feel satisfied with your work or home. It can also lead to self-destructive or addictive behaviour – eating disorders, smoking, drug taking – or to illnesses such as lower back pain, depression, sciatica and constipation.
On the other hand a root Chakra which is imbalanced by being too strong can lead to isolation, materialism, bullying behaviour or selfishness.
When this Chakra is balanced you feel physically secure, confident, healthy and happy with your body and sexuality. You trust the Universe to take care of you and the world does not seem a scary place to be, you begin to realise that just for today you have a roof over your head, food on the table and some money in your pocket. Life is great – all your primary needs are met.
Physically, the root Chakra is located at the base of the spine between the pubic bone, tailbone and sitting bone. Its centre is the perineum, in the middle of the pelvic floor between the anus and genitals.
The pelvic floor is influenced and affected by the muscles of the legs and the feet. The integrity of the pelvic floor depends on the proper alignment of the legs and the balance of the feet, which act like the roots of a plant. We need our feet and legs to be firmly balanced in order to find grounding and stability.
This is where yoga can really help, especially poses like Virabhadrasana I, II and III (warrior 1,2 and 3) which help to strengthen the legs and root them firmly to the earth. Lengthening the backs of the legs can help too in poses such as Supta Padagusthasana (reclining hand to big toe pose) and strengthening the legs in Setu Bandasana (bridge pose).
To do a few other practical things to help to energise this area encourage red into your life, like wearing red underwear, eating grounding foods like beetroot, parsnips, carrots and potatoes etc. Furthermore do not underestimate the grounding effect of hugging a tree, or allowing your feet to sink into soft sand or spending time in nature to re-connect to the earth.
In short, to build a solid life, we need a solid base.