Happy full moon from Glastonbury

I LOVE Glastonbury, it always feels like I am coming home, not dissimilar to the feeling I get when I arrive back on Guernsey. There is a certain vibrational quality that resonates on every level of my being and a friendliness and kindness that you just don’t get elsewhere.

In fact it was a relief to get here after the testing of Devon with this Leo full moon energy mixing things up in quite a profound and uncomfortable way. I spoke with one of the ladies in a crystal shop I also visit and she had experienced exactly the same thing. She got me thinking about my moon and rising signs, which I haven’t paid too much attention to previously and of course, that has helped me hugely make sense of things - I would encourage you to explore this, there are a plethora of free sites you can use like this one https://www.astrosofa.com/uk/horoscope/ascendant

That’s the thing with Glastonbury, there is always wisdom to be gained and something new to discover, not only in the town, but within oneself too.

I’ve had a run of being tested from a big Corporation perspective recently, learning how easily children can change settings on iPads and spend your money without you realising it - and how ironic that when Apple email you about it, you have to go through a plethora of security checks, yet your child can escape all this and ring up bills on your behalf, but that’s another story. Anyway, this all created a little shakiness to my being and a loss of sense of stability, not helped with our initial experiences in Dartmoor which were merely reflecting my inner state.

And while Dartmoor helped to heal this, restoring my faith in humanity and in the magic that pervades this planet, Glastonbury has further confirmed this. It is a magical place here. We have been showered in kindness. A local factory, Drapers, replaced some woollen boots which had started falling apart, without charge and gifted free parking. The lady referred to above was so taken with the boys she offered them 50% off any of the crystals in her shop. She also gifted me a crystal. A man who was selling his wooden hand-made spoons gifted a magic coin, and the lady in the bakery gave Elijah a pastry for free.

I am reminded that not everyone on this planet is obsessed with making money from us at whatever cost - I cannot tell you the relief. It is easy on Guernsey to forget this, with the emphasis placed on the finance industry and the growing divide between rich and poor and then manner in which the island is being sold out to corporations because of the fear of what might happen if the finance industry left the island. But that’s also another story.

The moon is shaking things quite profoundly and asking us to look at sustainability - what sustains us and what needs to drop away?

Our conditioning around money and safety is deeply ingrained, so too the need to accumulate assets for the sake of it and for some notion of ‘success’.

But really we need so little.

What truly sustains us?

This moon has been showing me how we need to keep getting out of our own way. How our ego identity likes to feel it is in control because then it feels safe, and how it will try to control and manipulate through will. And yet how ultimately we have to surrender this to the higher self, which truly knows and will always show us the way, at least from a soul expression/evolutionary perspective, which might not be how we wanted things to be, but will offer us something far richer if only we can expand the perspective and see the bigger picture and TRUST.

The process is not always easy as we have to be increasingly honest with ourselves about our life and the way we are living it, let alone the way we are relating to self. But I am conscious that if we can increasingly sit with the uncomfortable feelings as they arise, and keep letting go of our idea of how things should be, and be patient, then the path ahead clears and in the process we might deepen into faith and trust and learn to be more compassionate and gentle with others and ourselves.

I am grateful to have this time here at Glastonbury with the boys. For them too they love this place, the playgrounds and the Tor which they can jump and run down, and even the White Spring, which was freezing but always re-orientates and grounds me, and the various shops and cafes in town. It struck me that I brought both of them here when they were only 3 months old and they have visited many times since so it is a second home of sorts to them too.

I am grateful to the moon and to the spirit of Glastonbury and Dartmoor for all this trip has taught me and my two boys. And I am grateful to all of you who have supported our journey in ways you might not even imagine. I can’t wait for the Glastonbury retreat at Chalice Wells in April 2026, details on that to follow…

Happy full moon!

Love Emma


There are always two sides to every coin

