Happy Imbolc!

It’s Imbolc! I cannot tell you the relief to notice the shifting light and the change in the bird song as the sun rises earlier and farther north each morning, goes higher in the sky each midday and sets later and more northerly every evening, gifting us increasing light and with that, new beginnings.

It’s gentle new beginnings though, like the just-pregnant-bump and the slightest of crescent moons appearing after the new moon has passed. It’s the time to give thought to the seeds we are planting but being aware that a frost could still come. Gentle, gentle, beginning to notice how nature is waking up!

I love this time of year. The energy is so new. There is copious potential.

Enjoy the more settled weather that Imbolc is ushering and keep opening to your greater potential and doing what you can to feel increasingly ALIVE. This is the year for ALIVENESS and I am certainly embracing every opportunity to be deep in the earth (we are born from the earth), deep in my body so I can increasingly free my spine and my breath, and deep in the joy of being alive. What a miracle we all are!

Love Emma x




Waking up to our health and wellbeing