Our April Sark Retreat!
The Sark Retreat was amazing. For a while now I have been trying to work more intimately with students and clients and it has been my dream to run a Sark retreat where I can do this, to maximise the benefits of our time spent together, coupled with the healing and magical energy of Dixcart Valley (where Stocks is located) and Sark generally.
I was lucky that the retreat attracted ten beautiful students committed to their yoga (and in many cases Reiki) path, so that we could indeed go deeper and they could experience the benefits of their hard work. For me as a teacher and practitioner this was amazing, to be able to witness the transformation in their yoga practices and in their energy field generally. As I know all the students well, I am also privileged to see their transformation in their daily life too.
This is what happens when we commit to the practice. The Yoga Sutras tells us a number of times to commit to the practice and keep practising. Reiki too is a practice and when you weave in Ayurveda as a way of life, then these practices do truly support us in this journey we call life.
Sark is a gem as we all know, a big crystal field of loveliness and we were blessed with incredible weather (bar the rather windy and rough boat journey back to Guernsey on the Monday!), which really helped to make the retreat super special. I even got to see dolphins and the children had a great time with daddy, they do so love the freedom of Sark, as do I, so I am always keen to share this with others.
Here are a selection of photos mainly taken by my students - thank you to Michelle, Helen, Zoe, Anna, Charlotte and Heather for these photos, much appreciated - which give an insight into our weekend.
We will be returning. I have provisionally booked Stocks for the weekend of Friday 11th through to Monday 14th October with the option of staying for two or three nights. The yoga is on site, and so it is up to you how much you see of Sark. On this retreat one of my students decided to make the most of the opportunity to rest and stayed mainly at Stocks, bar a walk up to Caragh’s chocolate shop. Others were non stop seeing as much of the island as they could in the time available to them. At the end of the day, it’s a retreat for you to give yourself what you most need and only you know exactly what that is - attendance at class is optional but encouraged to get the most out of the weekend.
The yoga was complimented by Reiki (at additional cost) for those wishing to make the most of the opportunity, and we weaved in a session of Vedic chanting too, which was a delight for those who had not practiced it previously and I will be running another introduction to Vedic chanting as there is demand, so look out in one of our next newsletters if you would like to join this.
As you can see, Sark offers do much to see and do if you so wish. I made the most of our proximity to Dixcart for sea swimming and headed over to my most favourite place in the world, Little Sark, which still maintains some of its ancient and magical energy, lost everywhere else now due to all the tarmac and roads and noise and pollution, but here the energy is still really pure, as it would have been everywhere once:-(
The charity shop was a gem this time, quite literally, as they were selling lumps of raw crystals and crystals eggs, which I managed to snap up on my way to the boat! Others stocked up on chocolate at Caragh’s chocolate shop, and there was plenty of walking and cycling and gathering of quartz from the various caves. Sark is not somewhere that one gets bored easily!
Do let me know if you would like me to provisionally hold you a space albeit I hope to get the event set up on the website in the next few weeks.
Thank you to all you beautiful souls who joined me this weekend and to Ewan too for looking after the boys and to the Goddess and ethereal beings on Sark who held us so beautifully!
Love Emma x
Tibetan Buddhist carved stone in the North of the Island
A room in Stocks
In Stocks grounds
Charlotte at Dixcart
View towards Little Sark
Grand Greve
The Coupee, across to Little Sark
The window in the rock
The dolmen on Little Sark
Beautiful Sark
The yoga space in the Cider Room at Stocks
Our altar and the foot!
View of the Coupee from main Sark
Sark wanderings
Sark valley
Hog’s Back
Zoe at Sark henge
From Sark henge
Looking towards Little Sark
Quartz hunting
Butterfly - transformation on its way!
Yin and yang - Caragh’s chocolates!
The pool at Stocks - and yes, some ladies swam!
Anna on a cycle
Up from Stocks
Planes or cloud seeding
The toast rack!
All aboard!
Beautiful blackthorn
Sark cliffs
View of Breqhou
On Grand Greve
Little Sark
Beautiful blue bells
Bluebell path
Eben dragging his log for wood carving to Dixcart!
The incredible gorse
The boys at Dixcart
More Dixcart fun
Beautiful morning Dixcart
Dixcart Valley
Above Derrible