The Eclipse squeeze and changing the narrative
Well we’re in the eclipse squeeze but I feel that we are being gifted the opportunity to change our narrative, this because our old stories are being highlighted and we have the chance to assess whether they’re still true…or whether they ever were in the first place.
Often they’re not, just our perception of something or something we’ve taken on as if it is a truth based on what we have been told by others, our whole lives lived on the basis of someone else’s throw away comment or whatever it might be, our conditioning, cultural, educational or otherwise.
Any negative story can be changed into something far more positive. We are good enough. We are worthy enough. We are beautiful enough. We are safe. We are abundant. We are whole. We are already all these things, just we’ve been taught differently. To keep us disempowered, challenged, insecure and feeling that we need fixing.
We don’t need fixing. We just need to notice the unhelpful stories. The outdated ways of seeing ourselves and relating to ourselves ad acknowledging the positive instead and all that we are and have become and all our life experiences, those we labelled good, those we labelled bad and everything in between that have made us the person we are today. We should be rejoicing in that.
There’s more going on. Women. Patriarchy. Women being heard. Still the wounding. And I have been attempting to write a blog about this…and each day the universe brings in something to reinforce this. Other women feeling the same. St Martin’s Church having to be a little more discerning than they have been and feeling uncomfortable about us practicing Reiki or chanting at the community centre as its consecrated land owned by St Martin’s Church…still Christianity rejects us women and our voice and our healing potential.
But obviously that’s just my perception and that’s not right or wrong, I just long for a world where all belief systems, all approaches to healing and living, for the greater good, are allowed and encouraged and not this segregation and division. And let’s not forget the land that St Martin’s Church is now on, was once a place of Pagan worship, until that was denied…and my blog on the Mother wound that resulted will follow…really, when will we change the narrative in this world?
Maybe that also is coming up on this eclipse season…
Love Emma x